Early Years Consultant in UK & Nationwide

Steph Carter Early Years Consultant

For over 20 years, Steph has provided flexible childcare services, both as a childminder and as the proud owner of four successful day nurseries and two before and after school clubs. Steph previously owned a pre-school and a baby unit on a domestic setting, so has covered all types of settings. She now uses her experience and knowledge to help other owners and managers become the best that they can possibly be.

How we can help you

It can be a real challenge to deal with all of the pressures that come with owning, managing or working in a childcare setting. Working with us is the first step in keeping you on the right path.

We offer a range of services to help your business to grow and provide the best service available to your customers and their children.

If you’re looking for a consultant to help you open a new setting, or if there’s a particular area you struggle with, look no further!

New Settings

Opening a new setting can be a really challenging time, but you can get the support that you need from start to finish.

Mock Inspection

Getting ready for Ofsted inspections can be a daunting time, we can help you get ready to thrive on the big day and beyond!

Crisis Support

We can provide support to make vital improvements to your setting if improvement is needed. Not happy with your inspection? We can help you go through the process of challenging the results.

Something else?

With over 20 years experience, there isn’t much Steph hasn’t seen. Feel free to get in touch with any questions!

Teams - Professional Development

Do you or your managers need help with yours/their own professional development to improve the management of your team. Giving them more responsibility. 
To improve or build your curriculum.  To implement supervisions, appraisals or when times get tough performance plans.  To improve the standards in your settings. 
Sometimes all you need is a different pair of eyes. 
Professional Development happens every day we all have something new to learn. 


“Steph is both experienced and professional in her approach to Early Years. She has a thorough knowledge of the Ofsted Inspection process, and how to prepare settings, but also to challenge decisions that do not reflect the evidence submitted. She has grown enormously since I first met her nearly 8 years ago when she just operated one Outstanding setting from home to now owning a number of settings and offering a valuable service to fellow Owners and Managers. She maintains a supportive network within the Early Years community and is a practical hands on leader. If you need that nudge, some honest feedback and support, and someone who can tell you straight, then Steph Carter is the person to call.”

Ruth Newton – The helping hand – Early Years Consultant

“If you have a nursery setting up’t norf then consider getting in touch with Steph Carter for Early Years help. Straight talking and a nonsense approach.”

Neil Dudman

“I have been gaining invaluable support and information from Steph over a couple of years now. As a multi site operator in the early year’s, Steph has seen and done most things that a nursery owner has to deal with. Steph’s advice is always based on experience, well thought out, no messing about but whilst using a calm head. If you are new to the sector, looking to expand or just feel you need another owners point of view then Steph is your person.”

Matthew Leedham – Nursery Owner

“Steph has gathered a wealth of knowledge over her years in childcare and is always on hand by phone when we need any help and advice. I would definitely recommend her consultancy service.”

Giggles & Goo Childcare

“Stephanie Carter was there for me and my staff when my setting endured a very difficult OFSTED experience. Not only on the day but offering reassurance after the event to allow me to maintain my confidence and reflect. Stephanie continues to offer her personal guidance in what was a traumatic time for me. Her skills have been invaluable, and we continue to welcome her sharp knowledge.”

– Kids’ Corner Bridlington Limited

Bright Bees nursery, Yorkshire

Steph has been with us for the past six months and has made a significant positive impact on the quality of our nursery. With extensive experience and in-depth knowledge, Steph quickly identifies areas for improvement. The staff readily implement her suggestions, leading to enhanced practice. I would highly recommend Steph to anyone in the early years sector.

Farah Farooq – Bright Bees